Local Weather Averages

  • The four distinct seasons are generally mild
  • Spring typically lasts from March to June
  • Fall typically lasts September to December
  • Average annual high temperature is 68.9° F
  • Average annual low temperature is 46.3° F
  • Average temperature is 57.6° F
  • Average annual precipitation of 56″
  • Average annual snowfall of 11″
  • Prevailing winds from the southwest
  • Elevation is 793′ above sea level
  • Time Zone – Eastern US
  • Tellico Lake: 35°47’N by 84°16’Q
MonthAvg. HighAvg. LowMeanAvg. Precip.Record HighRecord Low
January45 F25 F36 F4.70"75 F-14 F
February50 F27 F39 F4.60"80 F-7 F
March60 F35 F48 F5.90"84 F1 F
April70 F44 F57 F4.20"91 F24 F
May77 F53 F66 F4.70"91 F32 F
June84 F61 F73 F4.00"101 F39 F
July87 F65 F77 F5.10"104 F50 F
August87 F64 F76 F3.90"102 F48 F
September81 F58 F70 F3.30"98 F33 F
October71 F44 F58 F3.20"91 F24 F
November60 F36 F49 F4.20"81 F11 F
December50 F28 F39 F5.10"77 F-5 F